The future is YOU! When there is hard work, there is also a reward waiting at the end of the day. To acknowledge the success, journey, learning, and synergy of employees, ibex. Team took the initiative and decided to celebrate their joy by arranging an exciting graduation ceremony with multiple facilities.
At ibex. it is about getting the best people, retaining them, nurturing a creative environment & helping to find a way to innovate. So, to celebrate the success and knowledge of employee’s, ibex. decided to add sprinkles on top! (Metaphorically).
A day full of fun and partyyyy with a variety of engaging games like snooker, ludo, table tennis, and FOOSBALL. What made the trip much more thrilling was the hardcore input of each and every employee. Everyone was hell-bent on winning and was trying their absolute best on every level of the games. It was a very refreshing sight to witness. People mingling, participating, and just enjoying themselves. To end the day with a SMILE, each and every employee was given a certificate and hampers!